Zoran Jankovic

Zoran Jankovic

Mayor of Ljubljana


Mayor of Ljubljana is Zoran Janković. He was born in 1953 in Saraorci, Serbia. In 1964, he moved to Ljubljana, where he graduated from high school. In 1971 he was admitted to the University of Ljubljana, to study in the Faculty of Economics. In 2006 he participated in the elections for Mayor of the capital, which he won by landslide with nearly 63% of the votes. The main focus of his program is the creation of a new vision for the city called Vision2025. It includes the conservation of green areas, the introduction of environment-friendly urban transport, efficient waste collection and recycling, and infrastructure. Thanks to this program, it is now forbidden for cars to enter the city center, which helps maintain cleaner air. For the convenience of visitors, there is an underground garage very close to the center.