Session Guidelines:
*Plenary Sessions: Each plenary session is reserved for the VIPs , Ministers and Sponsors
*Parallel Sessions: Each session has around 4-5 speakers who individually deliver their acceptance remarks and inspiring life message for about 5-6 minutes in the order of speaking as mentioned in the program.
* Vibe and Flow: We encourage speaking and sharing from the heart in storytelling format (instead of powerpoints). Overall, the vibe of the conference is interactive with open hearted sharing favouring connection and community spirit.
* Timings: Timings of the sessions are subject to change. Sessions may be merged or de-merged depending on schedule flow. While we do our best to adjust and accommodate, the decision of the organisers is final. * Language: WEF conferences worldwide are largely in English. However local speakers may present in their respective languages, in which case translation to English is mostly available. * Press Release: A general press release is also available closer to the dates.* Dress Code: We love to celebrate all cultures in creativity, diversity, and sisterhood. So we welcome you to dress up for comfort and confidence. Do also apprise yourself of local culture and customs. * All the Videos and Pictures of the conference will be uploaded on the website after the event.
Moderator/Guest Co-Lead Panelist Via Video Keynotes & Guest of Honour
Time Allocation
For Co-Lead :10-12 Min, Panelist: 5 Min.
Special Edition :Start Your Power ,Aactivating My Body and Soul With Tata2Fit, Marce2Fit and Silvyaraujo Marce2Fit y Sil
DAY-2 Saturday 7th November 2020 (Plenary) | |||
Time | Session No. | Topic | Speakers |
8:30:00 AM | 1.2 Panel and video | SHE IS ASTRONAUT: Girls in Vulnerable Situations Program in Colombia by SHE IS and Global Compact |
Space Center NASA (William Harris CEO Ivan Rodriguez Pacto Global She Is Niñas beneficiarias y Patrocinadores (FUNDACIÓN BANCOLOMBIA, MASTERCARD, AVON, ECOPETROL, ONU MUJERES, GOYA, SERVIENTREGA) |
9:30 AM | 1.2.2 Virtual Platform, Panel | In the voice of them: food crisis and social reactivation |
Carlos Enrique Cavelier Coordinador de sueños Alquería y Antonio Núñez NESTLE Presidente alpina Modera: Chrystel Monthean Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de las Américas YARA |
10:30:00 AM | Keynote greeting | A coffee with Juan Carlos Mora: 360° view towards social and economic reactivation with gender equity | Juan Carlos Mora: Presidente Bancolombia |
11:00 am | 1.2.4 Keynote, “take a coffee” | Ceo’s and World Directives: An Infinite Look at the 2030 Economy with Gender Equity |
CEOS DIAMANTE Ricardo Hinojosa Gerente General AVON Cluster Andino Marcela Contreras MASTERCARD |
11:30:00 AM | Keynote | Present, Future of Women: A Public-Private Partnership |
Alberto Consuegra Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de operaciones, Ecopetrol – Colombia Santiago Ángel Urdinola Presidente de MINESA – Colombia Beatriz Uribe Vicepresidente Regional de Asuntos Corporativos, CEMEX Colombia – Colombia, Jessica Mac Master VP de |
12:15 PM | 1.2.6 Success stories panel | Women in Banking: BETTING ON GENDER EQUITY FINANCIAL ACTIVITY |
Silvia Tenazhina, Gerente Santander RIO Cecilia Fernández Bugna Directora banco nacion Argentina Angela Hurtado, Presidenta JP MORGAN. Modera: Maria Isabel Botero, VP de Recursos Humanos Scotiabank Colpatria |
1:30:00 PM | SEPARATE TED X TALKS | Women social leaders for territory and sustainable development in Iberoamerica |
Francy EdithClara Arpa, Presidenta Pacto global España Saludo de Bienvenida Francia Márquez líder social en dialogo con Andrea Yañez Gerente del fondo de agua |
2:00:00 PM | KEYNOTE | Financing for the sustainable development of women entrepreneurs in Latin America | Javier flores Moreno CEO Fundación Microfinazas BBVA |
2:15:00 PM | 2.2.3 Sponsor Space | Diamond Sponsor | CONFIRMADO |
3:00:00 PM | Panel | Life Stories: Sport as transformation |
Nadia Comanecci, María Isabel Urrutia Vanessa Córdoba y Megan Rapinoe. Modera: Oscar Córdoba |
3:45:00 PM | 2.2.4 TED Virtual Platform | Women’s Leadership 2020 | Paola Rueda Coach/Consultora. Presidenta Honoraria Fundación Avon |
4:15:00 PM | 2.2.5 Keynote | Inspiring and reviving the tourism sector: voices of hope |
Flavia Santoro, Procolombia pending aerolínea o plataforma de turismo |
4:45:00 PM | 2.2.6 Virtual Platform Panel | Strengthening public institutions: guarantor of rights towards gender equity |
Procurador General de la Nación Colombia Fernando Carrillo Juana López Cordoba viceministra de gobierno de Panamá |
5:30:00 PM | 2.2.7 Dialogue and video | Governance and political participation with a gender perspective: Mayors | Juan David Aristizábal y Jorge Lawson |
4:15 pm | 6.2.4 WORKSHOP | Youth: government measures for job search and STEMs | Alcaldesa Bogotá Claudia López |
6:30:00 PM | 2.2.8 Virtual Platform Panel | Global Compact gender-focused initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Representante de Brasil Carlo Pereira Representante de Chile Margarita Ducci Representante de México Mauricio Bonilla Representante de Paraguay Cristina Cano Modera: Mauricio López González, Director Ejecutivo y Representante Legal de Pacto Global Red Colombia |
7:15:00 PM | Building Peace: A Message of Hope | Premio Nobel de paz | |
8:20:00 PM | Live broadcast | CLOSING CONCERT: VOICES OF LATIN AMERICA presents: Andrea Serna | Carlos Vives, MAÍA, MONSEUR PERINE |