Dr. Harbeen Arora
Global Chairperson of ALL & WEFIndia
Dawlat Ramlal
Former Alderman for Health & Welfare & MPNetherlands
Karen Duys
Party Leader of The CDA in RotterdamNetherlands
Carla Horta
Founder of CarlaH HairstudioNetherlands
Karen Barton
International Financial AdviserNetherlands
Karen Kammeraat
Consultant & Owner at NyotaNetherlands
Angelika Reich
Partner, McKinsey & Company IncSwitzerland
Ebere Akadiri
Founder at Ataro Food & SpicesNetherlands
Joep Huiskamp
Board Member at Eindhoven Viert ToekomstNetherlands
Dr. Sheetal Shah
Project Leader at Webster University-Leiden Netherlands
Monique Weber
HR Country Specialist, AT&T Global Network Netherlands
Julie Kennedy
Founder at Kennedy Personal Consulting Netherlands
Willemijn Aerdts
Researcher, Inst. of Security & Global AffairsNetherlands
Rob van Rooij
Director & Owner at EasyJusticeNetherlands
Rianne Van Veldhuizen
Director Software IBM BeneluxNetherlands
Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen
Dutch National RapporteurNetherlands
Diana Monissen
CEO at Princess Maxima CenterNetherlands
Holly Lindquist Thomas
Economic Officer, US EmbassyNetherlands
Christian van Drumpt
de BijenkorfNetherlands
Helena Wilkens
Silver Presidential Director at Mannatech Inc.South Africa
Dr. Koen G. Berden
Member of the Board of Directors, World Trade Institute,Netherlands Netherlands