Ursula de Bary
Photographer, Author & Marketing Manager, La Casona de Yucay Hotel
Ursula de Bary is a profesional photographer born in Cuzco. She graduated from Franklin and Marshall College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She studied photography at visual arts department of the University of California in San Diego (UCSD).
Her photographic work focuses in the area of visual anthropology in the Cuzco región. Her specialty is the record of landscapes, native quechua communities, archaeology and rural and urban ethnography. Her work has been showcased in the “Sala de Cultura” of former Banco Wiese in Cuzco (2003), in the gallery of Peru Artcrafts’ store in Larcomar, Lima (2003-2005) and in the exhibition “The great Inka Road: engineering an Empire” in the gallery of the National Museum of the American Indian from the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. (2015- 2018) among others.
Her photographs appear in the following books: “ Cocina Peruana: única y maravillosa”, (Peruvian Cuisine: unique and marvellous) ,Simón Huapaya, “Cuzco , el Lenguaje de la Fiesta” (Cuzco, the language of the Fiesta), “Señores de los Imperios del Sol” (Lords of the Empires of the Sun), “Cuzco, desde la nieve de la Puna al verdor de la Amazonía” (Cuzco from the Snow of the Puna to the greenness of the Amazon), “La Magia del Agua en el Lago Titicaca” (The Magic of Water in Lake Titicaca), “Nuestra Memoria puesta en valor/ Patrimonio cultural del Perú” (Our Memory recovered/ Cultural Heritage of Peru) de la Colección Arte y Tesoros del Perú. Banco de Crédito del Perú, “Todo Perú” (All Peru), Tierra Firme Ediciones.
She has recently published a photography book titled: “Lente y Sensibilidad, Miradas del Cuzco Antiguo. Víctor Manuel Guillén Melgar.” (Lens and Sensitivity. Views of Old Cuzco. Víctor Manuel Guillén Melgar, depicting black and white photographs from Cuzco of the 1920´s taken by her greatgrandfather,
Ursula has also been working as marketing manager at her family’s hotel, La Casona de Yucay in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Cuzco.
Among her passions are hiking and horsebackriding. She loves to travel off the beaten path. Being able to communicate in Quechua has helped her in her explorations and travels. She speaks Spanish, English, German and a little bit of French.