Teresa Thomas

Teresa Thomas

Made the world’s largest blanket and presented to Nelson Mandela”s in memory & a social activist


I’m a happy, enthusiastic homemaker driven by an earnest desire to contribute my best to the world by doing little things with great love. I divide my free time between crocheting, gardening, reading and engaging in philanthropic activities. It’s my creativity that fills my life with positivity. I have been part of many national and global crocheting events. And my highest achievement was winning the Guiness world record for participating and crocheting world’s largest crochet blanket measuring 11,148.5 mt. squares.
I am also Brand Ambasdor for an International Charity group from South Africa called 67 blankets .
Was able to connect to more than 100 women and school children across the world to unite them together to crochet and donate more than 175 blankets for Nelson Mandela’s centenary . 35 blankets of size 160cm×160cm was crochetted and donated exclusively by me.Through this project I could go to many schools and teach school children this beautiful art.
This is the First World’s Largest Portrait Blanket measuring
7,000 sqm in honour of late Anti- Apartheid activist Nelson Mandela.
More than 100scarves and50 blankets and beanie s are crochetted and donated by me to 67 blankets SA and to hospitals in India every year.
Member of 5000 Poppies
50 poppy flowers were crochetted and donated to the Australian War Memorial Canberra Australia.
Each poppy flower represented an Australian lost in the First World War.
62,000poppy flowers adorned the ground on the ANZAC Centenary day in Canberra and I was blessed to be a part of this project .
I visit hospitals and try to help patients by lending a helping hand monetarily and counceling .
I did my B.A.economics from St.Tersas college and in the history of my college I was the first Guiness Record Holder.
I am also member of many International crochet and knitting groups where we share and donate crochetted blankets ,scarves,beanie s for Cancer and for old age homes to mention few
Zoom Crochet and Knitting.
Australian Crochet community.
W.A .Poppyistas.
Crochet Group Australia.
Good wool Blankets.
Florida Stitches of love crochet for cancer.
Long beach chapter of crochet for cancer.
I studied B.A.Economics
From the Prestigious St.Teresas college Kochi and first student in the college history to win a Guiness World Record.