Tanya Joseph
Director, Tattle Tales PreSchool
Tanya Stevens-Joseph is the Owner and Director of Tattle Tales Preschool located in Wollongong, NSW, Australia. She founded the preschool in 1993. Tattle Tales Preschool is licenced to care for twenty children per day, ranging from ages 2-6 years. Our program is designed to cater for two groups of children:
2-3 years
3-5 years
We are licensed through the Department of Education & Communities who set out the regulations under which we operate. Tattle Tales offers a school readiness program for children. School readiness activities are available to all ages, however we do specialise with children 4-5 years to help get them ready for ‘Big School’.
Tanya’s vision is of the child belonging, being and becoming within themselves, their family, their preschool and within the community. “Belonging” is knowing where and with whom you belong. “Being” is seeking and making meaning of the world and becoming reflects the changes that occur as young children learn and grow.
Tanya’s image of the child is one of a capable, resourceful and competent learner who is an active contributor to their own learning. She believes every child is developing a strong sense of their own identity and a sense of wellbeing as they experience the world around them.
Tanya believes that children become confident and involved learners and effective communicators in supportive learning environment.
Tanya believes every child is a unique person, with their own interests, learning style, natural pattern of growth and culture. When provided with the opportunity, space and time to interact with meaningful environment a child can construct new ideas and develop their existing knowledge.