Stress, Anxiety and Fear – Breaking Free through hypnotherapy

Stress, Anxiety and Fear – Breaking Free through hypnotherapy

Stress, anxiety and fear are product of the modern day phenomenon that pervade the lives of many individuals and seems inescapable, whether it be personal or work related. The advent of technology that now makes such heavy demands, together with the recessionary, anti-establishment mood that is sweeping the world and disrupting people’s lives. The inability to anticipate the future and make long term goals can be a negative influence. The wide compass of media and social networking has given exposure to an otherwise private existence. Most individuals, no matter where they are in the world, will at some time be exposed to anxiety and fear. It is establishing an understanding of those fears and working with them to turn them around to a positive approach to life. Work related stress is paramount in this day and age as companies rely more on technology, removing staff to save costs, and having unrealistic expectations of those left behind. Is it any wonder that employees feel overworked with added responsibilities and accountability – these factors give rise to increased substance dependence which in turn impacts on the family circle. Perhaps food is the comfort that later transforms into ill health and/or diabetes. These issues stretch the medical profession to the edge and give rise to the need for counselling support. This session is about how to manage the stress, anxiety and fear that comes in many shapes and forms – what tools to use in order to develop a clear and positive focus on the future, highlighting the benefits of hypnotherapy treatment as a successful stepping stone to eliminate the negative impulses that diminish inner happiness and self-belief.