Siobhan Neilland
Sr. Leadership Client Lead Recruiter & Speaker
Siobhan Neilland is dedicated to being a catalyst for global, social change. As an organizational staffing consultant for Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, Google, Oracle, and Visa, Siobhan builds the teams these global corporations need to be successful. Under her firm, SER Consulting, Siobhan consults for Amazon’s Leaders in building emerging technologies with the top diverse leaders, with diversity, inclusion, and STEM hiring as her main focuses.
Siobhan’s expertise is not only executed in the corporate arena, but also through the work of her non-profit,, which utilizes social entrepreneurial methods to fund birthing services, medical care, and vocational training in rural communities surviving on under $1.25 a day. Siobhan shares her approach to sustainable, socially responsible business as a speaker in the corporate sector and as a United Nations delegate in the humanitarian sector.Siobhan’s philosophies and methods are at the very core of social entrepreneurialism, and are just a small example of the immense potential each individual has for creating a global economy with joy as its currency. “Fighting for your JOY! A Fortune 500 Consultant & Nonprofit CEO Shares Her Secrets to Overcome Adversity, Achieve Success & Have More Fun,” her book and her movement, reveals a glimpse behind the business and personal techniques necessary to live purposefully, while harnessing your talents to create global change with JOY!