Shamiz Kachwalla

Shamiz Kachwalla

Director, High Carb Health

New Zealand

Shamiz Kachwalla is a Certified Wholistic Health & Natural Healing Counsellor from the Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy. Shamiz coaches people to live a healthier lifestyle and has had first hand experience on how to overcome disease through a plant-based diet. He was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis a common digestive disorder, in May 2012 and spent 6 weeks in hospital in Japan. He discovered that a plant-based diet plays a vital role in the recovery of such a disease. After being on a plant-based diet and overcoming Ulcerative Colitis, Shamiz has been healthy and fit for over 7 years now. His aim is to make people aware of how a plant-based diet can cure disease and is very passionate about spreading the message about how to stay healthy and fit.