Shabri Prasad Singh

Shabri Prasad Singh



Shabri was born on the winter solstice in the year 1984. She has travelled the world extensively from a young age. She has lived in London England where she got her primary learning from. Thereon she went to the City University of New York to study Anthropology and psychology. She was diagnosed with a dangerous and debilitating illness called borderline personality disorder in 2012. Battling it for years she decided to write a book about it sharing her own life
experiences to help other people. It is her mission in life to advocate mental health issues and end the stigma associated with mental illnesses in India. She also works for Earth matters foundation and advocates a green movement. She is currently writing her second book a psychological thriller. She has pledged half of her whole life’s income for mental health patient’s. Borderline her first book has become a pathbreaking account of psychological illness and recovery.