Seema Punia

Seema Punia

Founders of ASLDS Pvt. Ltd.


One of the founders of ASLDS Pvt. Ltd, a Training Provider, Ms.Seema Punia is a renowned educationalist having over two decades of professional teaching experience. She is specialized in curriculum building and all round development of students. Her domain knowledge and the managerial skills helped the expert training and assessment team. The way she strategies the whole framework is highly appreciated by all stake holders. She ensures that our SMEs and Trainers provide trainees with proper skill development to get a fair assessment at the end of the Training. She is a yoga enthusiast and a forever learner at heart, currently, is a student of classical dance-Kathak. I am sending our consent to attend and speak on the following topic on Annual WEF 2022 on 28‐12‐2022 at Delhi.
The Role of Volunteers in Ensuring the Right to Education of the Under‐Privileged.