Sarah Collins

Sarah Collins

Founder, Wonderbag

South Africa

Since it exploded onto the local and global stage ten years ago, Sarah has worked tirelessly alongside her dynamic team to ensure the revolutionary bag reaches the right people for its far-reaching impacts to be felt. From the kitchens of suburbia to the kitchens of rural Africa, more than 1,000,000 bags have been sold worldwide and Sarah will not stop until there is one in every kitchen across the planet. An anti-apartheid activist and champion of the poor, Sarah’s extreme dedication and determination despite many obstacles earned her Fair Lady’s prestigious Woman of the Future Award last year. “I have spent most of my life swimming against the tide of criticism, hardship and adversity. This has made me resolute that the world I came into will not be the one I depart from,” she says. Over the past decade, Sarah has adopted a fluid approach to growing her business and has become adept at intuitively seeking out opportunities that also bridge different communities and cultures. She has acquired the skills to instigate and enable culturally relevant philanthropic change in the world and this is supported by an evolving and adaptable business model. Sarah believes climate change and the empowerment of women to be among the most pressing concerns of today. “I am now focused on using my experience to reach out across to business leaders who understand that today’s business models must not only produce sound and consistent financial results but also sustainable social and environmental