Sandra Jeffs

Sandra Jeffs - WEF - BRITISH - COLUMBIA - CANADA - 2017

Sandra Jeffs

Jewellery designer, Author & Poet


Sandra Jeffs is an author, poet, speaker, teacher, jewelry designer, entrepreneur and abuse survivor. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing, a teaching degree, an ESL Certification and has worked/lived abroad for 13 years first in Tokyo and secondly in Dubai, primarily teaching English and also teaching some business and entrepreneur classes.
Sandra’s second book of poetry deals with abuse and healing from abuse. She is a strong advocate for using daily acts of kindness and positive music to heal abuse wounds. Since four out of five people have experienced some form of significant abuse in his or her lifetime (verbal, mental, emotional, bullying, physical or sexual abuse) and fewer than 30% seek any form of help to heal, most survivors have stuffed the abuse down deep (“just get over it”). The fact is that unless the abuse is excavated and healed, it will rear its ugly head in the form of (1) running and hiding when things get rough, or (2) sinking into self-doubt or low self-esteem when a similar type of abuser enters her life, or worse, (3) becoming an abuser herself. Unhealed abuse wounds lurk in our psyche and will be an obstacle to achieving our full potential in life. Sandra’s “Kindness Practice” and “Positive Song Music Therapy” are two ways she used and advocates to excavate and heal abuse wounds. They are also ways for anyone, wounded or not, to become their best self and to make a difference in the world.