Ritu Bhatia Kler

Ritu Bhatia Kler

Managing Director, Total Integrated Design (India) PVT LTD.


RITU started the India office of M/S TID International, Singapore in January 1995. Her passion for design and hotels started in Singapore where she lived for several years. Her career started at Taj Mahal Hotel, Delhi thereby getting insight to hotel operations. Designing for hotels was therefore the natural course and TID India
was born. Ritu’s journey of twenty three years has been a great challenge yet satisfying experience. Alongwith a young team of design professionals, s h e h a s j o u r n e y e d a c r o s s I n d i a t o w o r k o n h o t e l p r o j e c t s r a n g i n g f r o m budget , business to luxury hotels and resorts, from new build to renovation and also specialised areas such as Spas and fitness clubs. She has worked with top hotel brands in the country, such as Taj, ITC Fortune, International brands such as Starwood, Accor, IHG; Marriott and various Spa Operators . Besides India she has interacted with consultants and guided the team to take on projects internationally – Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and more. Alongwith the team, she works closely with HQ in Singapore. Ritu believes that “The best experience in interior design comes with traveling, observing and expanding ones horizon to new ideas. Interior Design is not just about what is within the 4 walls , it is about integration, creativity and thinking out of the box ”