Rakel Sveinsdottir
Chairman, FKA in Iceland
FKA is the Association of Women Business Leaders in Iceland
FKA is a non-profit professional network for Icelandic business leaders. It was founded in april 1999 and it´s core was to support women to manage and grow their business.
• To bring together women business leaders in order to make them stronger and more noticed in the business world and in the society.
• To encourage exchange of ideas and knowledge and sharing of experiences, both national and international, between its members.
• To promote business between FKA women.
• To promote exchanges, relationships and development of national and international contacts aimed at reinforcing partnerships and access to new markets.
• To encourage FKA women to use all possible means in order to re-educate themselves and be aware of all the latest developments which may effect the operation of their business.
• To make FKA business women a respected target group in the society for opinions, comments and guidance.
Founder and investor of information website Spyr.is
Former shareholder in tv station Hringbraut
GFK Lindarbaer, Icelandic horses and related contractor projects
Career overview
Sales Director of Arvakur’s newspaper and website, Morgunbladid and mbl.is 1993-1999
Advertising Director of Nordurljos media, now 365 media (several tv, radio stations) 1999-2001
CEO of Icelandic dubbing company, now Syrland (former Lotus Hljodsetning) 2001-2003
CEO of Creditinfo in Iceland, credit bureau and media monitoring 2005-2011
Spyr website 2011+
GFK Lindarbaer 2010+