Police and Administrative Reforms Required” There is an urgent need to bring in greater transparency and accountability to curb corruption and instill confidence in society. What basic fundamental structural changes are required?
The finance capital and leading in growth Maharashtra is India’s economic powerhouse, its most globally connected and urbanized State, and also the largest employment provider.
The way forward for India and the rest of the world. India: Poised for Global Leadership
The New Young Politicians changing the world view and how Nations can collaborate in a new world order
The Business of Beauty, Fashion & Entertainment defining trends from world over. The pursuit of beauty has become big business and big bucks are chasing it. What’s the inside story?
how to make it happen? Greater women’s voices in our daily discourse and media influences will certainly allow for gradual change in mindsets and the collective consciousness.
Violence against women-what kind of cultural shifts are required for deterrence? What socio-cultural shifts can help curtail harassment, abuse, violence against women at home, work and public spaces?