Parveen Mahmud
Managing Director, Grameen Telecom Trust
Parveen Mahmud, is the Chairperson of Shasha Denims Limited and Micro Industries Development and Assistance Services (MIDAS), a pioneering organization for promoting women entrepreneurship. Ms. Mahmud is also the Founding Managing Director of Grameen Telecom Trust. In her varied professional career Ms. Mahmud has been working and passionate with social innovations, entrepreneurship and sustainable development at grassroots level.
Ms. Mahmud studied in Bangladesh and in the UK and completed her professional studies after taking a seven-year break while starting a family. She has two children. Because of her perseverance to balance family, studies and career progression The Commonwealth Secretariat, in their research has identified and chosen Ms Mahmud to be a case study in the book “Championing Women Leaders Beyond Sponsorship” published by Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. She is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). She is the first female Council member, office bearer and was the President of ICAB. She is serving ICAB Council for the third term. She was also the first female board member of the South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA), apex accounting professional body of the SAARC. She is the Chairperson, CA Female Forum, ICAB.
She started her career with BRAC, and has served as the Deputy Managing Director of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), apex institutional building, employment generation and funding organization for microfinance. She was a practicing accountant and a Partner at ACNABIN, Chartered Accountants, the representative firm of Baker Tilly International.
Ms. Mahmud currently serves in several Boards including BRAC International, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Grameenphone Ltd., Lindey Bangladesh Ltd., Manusher Jonnyo Foundation (MJF), CAMPE, RDRS, Moner Bandhu, Ghashful. etc. She Chairs the Finance and Audit Committee of BRAC International and Linde Bangladesh Ltd. She is the Member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Bangladesh.
Previously, Ms. Mahmud has served as the Chairperson of Acid Survivors’ Foundation. She was also the Vice Chairman of Under Privileged Children’s Education Program (UCEP) Bangladesh. She also served as a member of the National Advisory Panel and was Convener, SME Woman’s Forum for SME Development of Bangladesh, and was a Founding Board Member of SME Foundation. Ms. Mahmud was also a Working Group Member of the Consultative Group on Social Indicators of UNCTAD/ISAR.
Ms Mahmud is an Honorary Member and Mentor of TalentNomics Inc., India, which promotes women leaders globally. She is the Advisory Group member for GRI South Asia. She is the recipient of “Women at Work -2017” Award from Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) and “Women of Inspiration Awards”-2017 from the Bangladesh Organization for Learning & Development (BOLD). Ms Mahmud received Begum Rokeya Shining Personality Award 2006 for women’s empowerment from Narikantha Foundation.