Pamela Tsitsi Matswangiwa


Pamela Tsitsi Matswangiwa

Trainer/Speaker and Life Coach at Excellence Academy International


An author, a life coach, a transformational powerhouse and a high impact teacher/trainer Pamela Tsitsi Matswangiwa is an empowerment specialist, a small business strategist, a revolutionary thinker and transformational leader who is driven by her Passion, Excellency and Determination to see transformation in the lives of individuals and corporations. Pamela has worked with Fortune 500 companies in the United States, Canada and South Africa, where she earned a distinguished reputation as a catalyst for change. The positions also gave her an insight into the challenges that many corporations face and has dedicated her time and energy into Human Capital Development, Leadership Development and Pioneering programs that are designed to empower all women, youth and adolescents included, into entrepreneurs. She is Certified and Accredited through Let’s Live as a Life Coach, Neuro Linguistics Practitioner, Quantum Linguistics Practitioner, Hypnotherapist Practitioner, NLP Coach, Time Line Healing Practitioner, Time Quintessence Techniques Practitioner. She also holds a Business Leadership Coaching Certificate from The People Business, South Africa and a Bachelor of Business Real Estate (BBRE) degree from Sauder School of Business in Canada.
Pamela’s personal experiences have given her profound insight into life which she utilizes in her approach to coaching others through life’s challenges and difficulties and offers a fresh and dynamic approach to Training and Development, mixing innovation with traditional methodologies to deliver fast and effective results.
As a small business strategist, Pamela has the ability to lead and energize people by using simple, quick and effective business systems and plans that re-engineer/re-invent processes and move businesses from a slump of stagnancy into a success. An out of the box thinker who stays open to innovation and quickly adapting to plans to take advantage of opportunities and always a step ahead in the right direction because of good business intuition and the ability to tackle what others consider underdeveloped opportunities.
Her philosophy in life is that we are both human and divine in that we have the power to create the world we want to inhabit and offers classes focused on transforming difficult experiences into empowering ones. She motivates, inspires and helps individuals to vacate entrenched positions and outdated habits that don’t serve us well in order to build a new framework of high expectations and bring forth a new world guided by creative cooperation, compassion, and justice.