Nazoo Sharma
A lawyer with more than 6 years of experience, Nazoo has experience in working with government related assignments.’ She has been arguing various cases before the Delhi High Court and Delhi District Courts.
She has provided strategic legal inputs related to mergers and acquisitions, employment matters, mediations as well as advice on regulatory framework.
She has extensive experience in criminal matters where she has undertaken bails under the Code of Criminal Procedure. She has dealt with Matrimonial matters under prescribed codes in Delhi District Courts as well as Punjab &Haryana District Courts. She has advised on Delhi Rent Control matters, handled arbitrations and mediations.
She has been associated with the Ministry of Women and Child Development on various legal issues including the Trafficking Bill 2018, cases pertaining to Juvenile Justice Act 2015. She has been preparing legal notes for the Minister of Women and Child Development. She has advised and has done pro-bono matters for various NGO’s regarding children related issues (The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act), such as CRY (Child Rights and You).