Nanda Joree
Founder, The Life Choices Company
Nanda Joree is a mother of two young adults and is building an international home based business in the Health and Wellness Industry. Her passion is to promote good nutrition and wellbeing through natural supplements ,organic whole foods, adequate rest and relaxation. She is a Trainee Emotional Freedom Technique Therapist and has particular interest in Mental Health, Coercive Control and Narcissistic abuse. Her background is Accountancy and Retail Businesses. Topics like Spirituality, Mindset coaching, Yoga, Mixed Genre Music, Fast Cars, Fashion and Making New Friends gets her quite excited. While Nanda is determined to do humanitarian service, she also strongly believes that education and empowerment of the individual is the only way to ensure such service becomes redundant. She is currently working with a charitable organisation to support a village school in Guyana where she lived as a child and supports various other charities in the UK including Rise Against Hunger, The Kenward Trust and the RNLI.