Nagla Bahr

Nagla Bahr

Managing Director, Credit Guarantee Company


Ms. Bahr has more than 30 years of experience in finance, economic development, and strategic planning with a focus on emerging markets development. Ms. Bahr has a special expertise in MSMSs Finance and development and structuring and managing Guarantee Schemes. Her expertise was practiced in markets of MENA, Africa, East Europe, and South Asia. Ms. Bahr is the Managing Director of the Credit Guarantee Company (CGC) in Egypt since 2015. Prior to 2015 Ms. Bahr has served under both local and international umbrellas of BP, Shell Winning, Fulbright Commission and Finance and Banking Consultancies (FinBi). Ms. Bahr across her different services interacted with different ministries and authorities of GOE as well as the Central Bank of Egypt. She also interacted and worked closely with different International and bilateral Institutions such as WB, EIB, EU, IFAD, UNDP, IFC, AFDB, GIZ and Moody’s analytics and others.

Ms. Bahr, as the Managing Director of CGC Egypt, was able to set records with regard to the growth of the company size of business which was increased by 900% from 2015 to 2019 consuming more than 35% from banks’ total lending portfolio to SMEs, also increase the equity size of the company by 200% and increase the served number of MSMEs by 600%.

Ms. Bahr has BSc in Economics and a Master degree in Professional Economic Development.