Nadia Dubiel
Founder Of SuperHuman Academy
United Kingdom
I am a body and mind trainer. I train people how to become SuperHumans. My mission is to educate people how to take control over their minds, listen to their bodies and connect with others and universe.
My purpose is to give people the right tools to be able transcend into higher beings, that we truly are. We are so much more powerful than we have been conditioned to believe, our mind is a bridge to truly abundant life, but only if we learn how to resonate on the right frequency.
My vision is to create an institution, academy, where people have an opportunity to learn how to reach their full potential, to learn who they truly are and what are they truly capable of.
ATM I am at the beginning of this wonderful journey and everyday I help someone through a simple advice how to be more conscious of themselves, how to understand their body better and how to communicate with others to create stronger and more authentic relationships.
I am a public speaker, I am a rebel – we should always have mind of our own, so we create our own unique life, and an accredited trainer with my own training program ‘’How to become SuperHuman’’.