Mutetelenu Kalama
Co-Founder Agents , Change Foundation Zambia
Mutetelenu Kalama is a 25 year old Zambian; she is a young dynamic woman leader who is specialised in the development of young people through capacity building. She is the Co-founder of Agents of Change Foundation which is a youth led organisation that trains young people in leadership skills and radio skills, the young people then produce radio shows focused on social change ranging from HIV and AIDs to Climate change. Apart from her love to use radio for social change, her love for the girl child led her to co found a girls initiative called Istandup4her initiative, this initiative mentors young girls in Education and Health. She carries other hats as been a climate change/ HIV and AIDs ambassador for the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund Zambia where she has contributed to training over 1000 children in climate change and HIV and AIDs across Zambia, she seats on a youth advisory board of Action Aid Zambia, she is a Development Associate by profession and a young women’s activist. She has represented her Country at high profiled different forums like the International Aids Conference.