More women vendors in supply chains

More women vendors in supply chains

The WEPs— Equality Means Business, a partnership initiative of UN Women and UN Global Compact, offers guidance to business on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community. The 7 Principles, which were shaped through a yearlong multi-stakeholder international consultation process, seek to elaborate the gender dimension of good corporate citizenship, the UN Global Compact, and businesses’ role in sustainable development. The Principles also underline the importance of transparency and accountability to ensure companies are continuously improving. Principle 5 underlines the importance of enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices to empower women.
The Global Platform for Action on Sourcing from Women Vendors has been established by International Trade Center in September 2010 which aims to increase the amount of corporate, government and institutional procurement secured by women vendors for the ultimate purpose of bringing economic benefit to women and their communities.
The policymakers, international organizations, buyers, trade support institutions (TSIs), women’s business associations and women business enterprises from 48 countries including 39 least developed countries have participated in Global Platform activities. Participants have received training and market linkage opportunities through Buyer Mentor Groups and participation in the annual Women Vendors Exhibition and Forum. By this session, we aim to:
• Create shared value by sourcing from women vendors who offer competitive products and services;
• Promote the benefits of sourcing from women vendors, and educating multinational corporations on the business case and return on investment;
• Share knowledge on policies and practices to increase sourcing from women vendors;
• Support, initiate or improve efforts to integrate women vendors into value chains;