Monica Mapranathukaran Varied
Dr M V Monica, has scripted a different note on the management education scenario of Kerala. Leaving the traditional path, with no background in family also, she ventured to set up ICFAI Business School, Kochi alongwith DR Mary Ipe in 2004 after 20 years in the industry including Unit Trust of India(11 yrs), Spices Board(2.5yrs) among others . As for any business, capital is the crux and when owners decided to restructure, she got down to role of full time homemaker for a while(appx 8 months) soon in 2010, she boarded the bandwagon of MBA education again , this time with ASIET, Kalady. She spent 9 years explaining how the MBA should be administered being a live example in the courses she taught and superannuated(June 30, 2019) at 58 years .