Micaela Passeri

Micaela Passeri

Fashion Designer turned Emotional Intelligence Coach


Micaela Passeri with Love You Revolution

Micaela Angela Passeri is an Inspirational Fashion Designer turned Emotional Intelligence Coach. She is committed to helping entrepreneurs identify, resolve and release emotional and mental blocks in the way of their full success by breaking the cycle of negative self-talk, dis-empowering limited beliefs and resolving their emotions baggage from the past.

Specializing in experiential mentorship, workshops and retreats she helps her clients reprogram their subconscious mind by unraveling subconscious beliefs and resolve issues such as anxiety, fears, procrastination, limiting beliefs, business stagnation, low self-confidence, inner conflict and trauma. Trained in NLP, MER and Emotion Code, Micaela has created an Emotional Intelligence Test that tells you where on the EQ scale you are: High, Moderate or Low EQ. This test also reveals what is hidden in the subconscious mind that is causing the issues a person is looking to overcome.