Mia Popic
CEO/Coaching psychologist, Coaching Centre Synergy
• Mia PopiC is coaching psychologist and a psychotherapist by profession, currently attending PhD studies that specialize in Cognitive Behavioural Coaching. For nine years now, she has been practidng psychotherapy and coaching and received the REBT (Rational Emotional Behavioural Therapy) certifiCate ft’om the REBT Centre -a subsidiary oftheAlbert Ellis Institute in NewYork. Shedeveloped coaching skills atthe Coaching Centre inLondon where shewascertifiedfor performance coaching and heath/wellbeing coaching.
• She is engaged in coaching individuals, organizational consulting and conducting educational workshops and trainings inorder to provide support inovercoming individual psychological difficulties that hinder daily functioning andwork efficiency.Shehas awide experience inconducting coaching programs inthefield of communication and presentation skills development, overcoming thefear of public speaking, stress management and leadership skills. Her professional knowledge has been developed through the implementation of these programs in the non-governmental and private sectors.
• As acoach, trainer andeducator shewas able toworkwithpeoplefrom thefollowing companies:
Roche, Pfizer, Nordeus, Coca Cola, Vega IT Sourcing, Asseco See, Msg global, Humanity, Adecco, Norma Group, Ernst & Young, Represent Communication, Heineken, Byteout. lntesa bank. Addiko bank, Sber bank, Textil, Sirogojno, Mona,eb:.
• During her professional career, she hasspecialized inpublicspeaking coaching which she developed as professional expertise by working alongside public figures such as politicians and people inexecutive positions while preparing them for publicspeaking.
• She is a member of the Serbian Psychological Society, the Association of Serbian Psychotherapists and the InternationalSociety for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) inLondon.
• She isanauthorofCognitive Behavioural Coaching Education, recognized bythe InternationalSodetyforCoaching Psychology inLondon. Uptothe presenttime, managers andteam leadersofthefollowing companies havepassed this education program: Coca Cola, Reiffeisen bank, lntesa bank, Addiko bank, Nordeus,Novo Nordisk, Fenix Pharma, Pharma swiss, Humanity, Tim Centre, Ballpackaging,Asseco See and manymore.