Mia Lundstrom
Creative Director , IKEA Pvt Ltd
Marie Lundström is a great fan of people’s life at home, form and colour. “I set the creative process with high ambitions – work with great insights and turn them in to practical and beautiful Home furnishing solutions.”
Im working as a creative director for IKEA in India.
As part of the management group of IKEA India I work in a holistic way to position IKEA as a Leader in Life at home bringing in the humanistic dimension to strengthen our business dimension. It is when we combine both that we will be able to connect to the Indian consumer and the Indian society in a much stronger way.
This is a quite new approach to lead through Life at home, in four dimensions:
• Range strategy, working in close cooperation with IKEA of Sweden/Product Development Centre
• Communication & Interior design as well as Range presentation & Visual merchandising.
• Solutions and range for low income households, like “Housing for all” social projects.
• Promoting the value of Home furnishing and competence both inside and outside IKEA.
I started in IKEA 1978 as Interior designer in the Kungens Kurva store Stockholm Sweden, and then moved on to work with build-up’s throughout the world for a long period. During this period I also started up IKEA North America as Country Communication & Interior design manager. Since then I have experience from being Communication & Interior design manager Inter IKEA Systems BV in Delft where I also worked with conceptual work & training programs, as well as from being Creative director at IKEA Communications.
To lead through people’s everyday life, and adding all dimensions of Democratic Design, I really feel I’m contributing to more dimensions then just the cosmetic aspects of Home furnishing. I’m a passionate woman, with ‘life at home’ and a future full of creative ideas that’s good for all of us and the planet at the centre of my heart!