Mahin Abbasi Bafghi
Holistic Health Practitioner
I am a holistic health practitioner and I have particularly focused my practice on acupuncture which is an effective method and recognized therapy against a variety of diseases. I studied acupuncture and alternative medicine after practicing for 17 years as a member of the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health at the University of Tehran in Iran. I focused my research and completed my thesis on the following theme: HOLISTIC HEALTH FOR BEAUTY AND WELLNESS. Indeed, the practice of acupuncture for facial beauty involves many constraints for both the patient and the practitioner and requires both great dexterity in the gestures and finesse in the choice of the points used for treatment, which seemed to me a very exciting challenge, given the link between the physical body and the psyche (well-being). Thus I not only acquired a great experience in Chinese medicine thanks to the exceptional Masters whom I had the chance to meet during my apprenticeship and who transmitted to me knowledge and techniques sometimes forgotten in teaching today. “Classic” but I can also rejoice to have obtained many successes in the treatment of multisystemic complex pathologies such as psoriasis, paralysis, depressions, etc., all over the world. But I am first and foremost a holistic therapist for every period of life, a life coach, who can support you in every particular moment of your life path. I have also spoken at many international conferences on wellness and public health issues and I am an extraordinary member of Medicina Alternativa Europe ( ).