Magdalena Fabcic

Magdalena Fabcic


Magdalena Fabcic is an experienced Ladies at Midlife Coach & Lifestyle Consultant who helps individuals and organizations lessen the burden of menopause symptoms on job performance, relationships and quality of life.
She graduated in biology and got years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. She is an ACTP coach, business coach and facilitator.
Magdalena connects her own experience with the findings of modern science and traditional knowledge. She speaks, leads workshops and provides support through individual and group coaching. In working organizations, she runs programs to support women employees, raise awareness of all employees and educate management on the effects menopausal changes can have.
She’s found her mission (or it found her): Helping bold women in midlife discover their inner wisdom and find balance in life. Supporting them to take care of themselves again, to find passion and joy and dedicate themselves to the things that are meaningful to them.
She wants to help women who are struggling with hormonal imbalances to take life back in their own hands and take it to the fullest. She wants to share with them her knowledge about natural solutions, and above all, wants to make the natural, inevitable transformation of menopause less a taboo.

She’s a woman full of life, playful, bold and persistent. A nature lover and an addicted free climber. A bookworm. An excellent organizer, motivator and team leader.
She’s gone through the menopause herself and taken control of it.

HER VISION: All women in midlife will express with ease & frankly the challenges they face, get the support they need and thrive at work and in private life. and