Linda Savitri Maharaj
Trinidad and Tobago
Worked as an educator for over forty one (41) years extensively guiding students and facilitating stakeholders. My passion was always for the holistic development of children. Enabling the blossoming of their unique skills and talents and motivating them to appreciate their heritage guided by positive values to create a peaceful and better world.
. Throughout my career I worked with numerous NGO’s, social, cultural, economic and financial groups towards the achievements of their respective goals.
. Presented professional papers on various fora in Trinidad.
. Worked with a Cabinet appointed Committee to commemorate the visit of the President of India to Trinidad.
. Coordinated the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Arrival of Indentured Indian immigrants to Trinidad and Tobago.
. Currently engaged in restoration of a historic building.
. Continues advisory services to former students and teachers.