Leslie Atkinson

Leslie Atkinson

Management Consultant


Leslie Atkinson is an Adventurer and ChangeMaker specializing in Bridging the Separation from Self, Society, Service, and Source. Leslie is a soul rocker that dances with the ebb and flow of inspiration and action. She chooses to live fully and integrate all of herself fully with life. Her purpose is to bring peace and harmony through Oneness – of the individual and the collective.
Leslie is a Quality of Life Adventure Guide who raises the standard of living by playing with the universal laws to really make things happen in this world. Whether it’s jumping out of a plane alongside you or guiding you through an experience that will fulfill a lifelong goal, her desire and hope for everyone is that their lives will be lived. Truly lived.
Connecting with Leslie results in life-changing consultations, strategy sessions, interactive training, as well as done-with-you and done-for-you solutions on all kinds of topics. Leslie thrives being an expressive intuitive with an uncanny ability to inspire others to not only dream but take action and actually make them a reality. Leslie is a diplomat for you, your vision, and your team. Whether it’s through leadership, action planning, training, monitoring, or system creation and integration for business or personal guidance.