Kathryn Carlisle
Writer, Editor & Word worker
Texan native Kate Carlisle (that’s me) was in Italy for over two decades,basedmostlyinRome.
While with Business Week magazine in the Eternal City, I was the recipient of the Sidney Hillman award for the investigative cover
story on human rights and also the Livingston Award for my article ‘From Bad to Worse in a Gypsy Ghetto’.
While transitioning from hack to flack (and back) I singularly penned the Cadogan publication, Working and Living in Italy — now in its second edition. But it is impossible for me not to swipe the paintbrush broadly. As a passionate advocate for human rights, I used my reporting skills as a monitor for the European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) and carried out the lion’s share of the research and writing of the country report ‘Campland’.
To date, I am the Italian callMto for Libero Guide, the spinMoff, digital arm of the ultimate European football pathfinder, the Fan’s Guide to Europe. I rarely turn down a proposed feature, especially for culinary, cultural, music or animal exploits. And I have contributed to numerous books, including the Time Out Guide to Tuscany and Florence, as well as the Expatriates Guide to Hungary, a country where I lived and worked for five years from 1989 M 94.
When I made the shift to the other side of the communications’ looking glass, it was because I was asked to set up the international press office for Italian wunder SME Technogym, based in the heart of Romagna. Then subsequently, I was asked by football great Clarence Seedorf to run his international communications. Monteverde, the green heart of Rome, was my home for 22 years. My last Italian stop, however, was the bucolic Colli Euganei (Euganean Hills) in Veneto. It was there that I let my garden grow, throwing myself into my adoration for nature, tending an organic garden and crafting meals from it, loving my animals and horse, and learning a completely different dialect. And applying all of those undertakings to my writing. Now, happily, the landing pad is ole Amsterdam. I am the proud owner of a bicycle, museum card and am rolling up my sleeves with my three cats and dog to learn Netherlands.