Kaja Primorac
Director, Gender Equality Research Institute
The GEMA Certificate (Gender Equality Management Assessment) is the first certificate of a social corporate responsibility, which enables effective implementation of gender equality in organizational structure, culture and working processes of companies (and other organizations). Given the emerging awareness that every business is driven by its (satisfied in motivated) employees, GEMA Certificate is an indispensable tool that is not only in line with value-led and sustainable entrepreneurship, but also provides companies of high added value
with progressive solutions of 21st century by improving their long-term business performance. It has been proven that companies with best gender equality state of art have even 15 % more chances of higher financial returns. Since the GEMA Certificate was created in close cooperation with five Slovenian companies (of different size and geographical location), including a public company, its content is fully tailored to the business environment, and is therefore able to actually contribute to gender equality in recruitment procedures and in the workplace. It is based on ten sets of measures, including, inter alia, impartial employment and promotion, work-life balance, regulation of the gender pay gap, a mentoring system, effective mechanisms for preventing harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace, and methods to strengthen an inclusive organizational culture on all levels of the business’ operation. Each company is also subjected to an independent set of checks on the balanced representation of women and men in the company, not only in managerial positions, but also in individual sectors or departments, and at the level of employment itself.