Julie Hogbin

Julie Hogbin

Conscious Leadership Mentor for Business & Life. Author & Property Investor


Julie has successfully advocated ‘conscious and principled leadership’ working with more than 20,000 leaders at every level of management and leadership over thirty years. With passion, dedication, sensitivity, and enthusiasm, she works in a holistic way on the human element of organisational business. Committed to continuous development in a fast-changing world, Julie provides the right knowledge at the right time to unleash the potential in others to be the best they can be thus benefiting the organisation they work for & themselves. Julie is a strategist and knows that when people are held accountable by self & others, they respect they achieve more. History has proven that those with written goals that are revisited on a regular basis achieve far more which promoted the writing of her 1st book ‘The Life Changing Magic of Setting Goals’ See it, Say it, Write it, Believe it, Achieve it. Simple right? So why isn’t everyone achieving their true potential? Because we all need support & challenge, Self-Awareness + Self Mastery + Self Expression = Confidence = Results