Jollean Matsen

Jollean Matsen

Energy Therapist


Jollean, is a Canadian and up to 2005, she self-studied and explored fine art. With each new medium, she explored both new ways of expressing herself adding further understanding and depth to her growing artistic vision of peace. It is interesting that she created a series of women’s images during these early years, focusing on the strength and power of the female aspect calling it, The She Series and here we are coming together to celebrate women and unity consciousness across the planet. It was during her emersion into art, that she studied and was certified as a junior Swedish Massage Therapist, Reflexology, EFT Tapping Therapy and Water Therapy with a multitude of other courses since then.
Jollean is a conscious explorer who recreated herself as she moved into global service as a volunteer peacemaker and peacekeeper in South Africa, Mexico, and India. Unconstrained in her desire to find her sovereign expression, Jollean has travelled to many countries, living, teaching and integrating new cultures into her lifestyle. She is known for her unique creativity of teaching Personal Growth Programs in the field of Energy Psychology for over thirty-five years. She continues to upgrade her study through online courses in neuroscience and rewiring the brain for self-healing in her long volunteer service of well over fifteen years. Twelve of those years have been volunteer service here in India.