João Belo Nunes

João Belo Nunes - WEF - Hotel Palacio Estoril - Portugal - 2017

João Belo Nunes

Legal Adviser of GPL Mentor & Economic of Model Concept


João Belo Nunes graduated at Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa – Universidade de Lisboa in 2003, joining AFMA law firm in the same year, dedicated more closely to Tax Law, Banking and Finance, Securities, Corporate and Business Law, and, more recently to Data Protection. The work developed is primarily focused on company management and structuring, providing solutions and answers to investors and developers.

The main focus on Tax Laws allows a constant contact with business and management realities, addressing urgent or planned projects with the aim of company growth and profitability, frequently in connection with the banking and financial markets.

Almost 15 years’ experience allows for a more comprehensive view of the company needs and investment objectives, allowing the clients to better understand the effect of the implemented measures.