Irena Rupnik
Mill Service Manager, Kolicevo Karton d.o.o.
Irena Rupnik was born and raised in Slovenia, educated as wood working engineer and bachelor of organizational and management science, and spending her whole career, over 27 years in different Slovene industries and productions.
For the last five years she is appointed as Mill Service Manager of Količevo Karton, the largest Slovene paper mill and part of a large international Mayr Melnhof Group. Beside the work she really enjoy she find her biggest pleasure in her family, in nature and in hobbies, but also as a member of Slovene Manager’s Association Združenje Manager. Living a work-private life balance, always finding something positive and being thankful for everything in her life is her daily moto and being a part of WEF Slovenia and meeting all those amazing ladies from all around the world a great honour and joy for her.