Hania Al Aita

Hania Al Aita

Owner, Aita Bros Co.


Work Experience:
1996-Now:Working in Aita Bros Co as an executive Manager
Aita Bros Co. is one of the oldest sunglasses traders in Damascus. The company imports all kinds of sunglasses and optical needs, and has its own workshop.
2000 working with HUGUENIN + KRAMER company to minting gold and silver medals for the Central bank of Syria
2006-Now:In addition to working in Aita Bros, I have started working, in 2006, in Antiseptica as Deputy General Manager and Financial Manager.
Antiseptica is a factory producing all kinds of Antiseptics under license from Antiseptica Germany.
Studied languages (English & French) in Strasbourg (France) for 3 years
– Arabic: Mother tongue
– French: Fluent (Written and spoken)
– English: Fluent (Written and spoken)
– General management skills course at SEBC (Syrian European Business Center)
– Attending the first Economic Business women Forum themed Business women projects in UAE.
– Professional training and product information program on the Haglof Sweden AB product range for field measuring and cruising work.