Gisel Salinas

Gisel Salinas

Lawyer, World Compliance association


Lawyer received at the National University of Buenos Aires, specializing in criminal law and tax law. Compliance specialist for senior management: IAE Business School. Universidad Austral – IESE Business School. University of Navarra, Spain. I have developed as an attorney for the National Treasury in criminal cases and tax cases. Chief of criminal tax cases of the National Treasury. Audit Director of Tax, Customs and Social Security Operational Processes of the Federal Public Revenue Administration. I have attended numerous conferences and courses on criminal law, customs law, tax law and Compliance, as well as I participated as a speaker at the III International Compliance Congress, held at the University of Morón on September 19, 2019. Also, I attended numerous events and conferences related to women’s empowerment, gender equity and diversity, such as the last Women Economic Forum held last July 2019 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. I am also in charge of the Technical Compliance Committee and SMEs of the World Compliance Association. Finally, I am part of the team that leads the organization of the Women Economic Forum Argentina October 2020.