Ginger Jackson

Ginger Jackson

Ginger Jackson

Speaker & Writer


Ginger Jackson is not a professional speaker nor writer for that matter. What she is a mother with an amazing son who lived through a devastating accident that could have killed him, should have killed him if she is honest. Josh was 17 years old and it was 4 days before the start of his senior year. Josh is a semi-professional race car driver with a NASCAR dream and he was so close to achieving his ultimate goal that he’s had his entire life. The night of August 8, 2015 his life will forever be changed. Josh was in a racing accident at Southern New Mexico Speedway, He was the middle car of a three car accident. Josh hit a spinning car in front of him which made Josh’s car go into the air when a third car struck Josh’s car breaking through the roll cage. The shock tower of the third car was like a missile striking Josh in the head crushing his helmet.