Faten Ben Amor
Vice President, University of Monastair
Professional Experience
• University Hospital Professor of Dentistry
• Head of Teaching Anatomy
• Head of clinical outpatient clinic of Monastir
• Responsible Editor and Founder of the bilingual scientific journal: “Tunisian Dental News” TUNISIAN DENTAL NEWS “ISSN 2233-2707
• Elected vice rector of the University of Monastir November 2017 for the period 2017/2020
• Head of a research unit on Dentistry and Growth from 1996 to 2012.
• Head of the Oral Health and Oral Health Research Laboratory LR12ES11 (which has federated 3 research units since 2012 to date)
• Several scientific publications in journals:
Nationals such as the ATO (Tunisian News of Odontology)
Impacted internationals such as JOG (Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), JDR (Journal for Dental Research)
Francophones such as AOS (Odonto-stomatological News), ID (Dental Information), Journal of SFODF (French Society of Dento-Facial Orthopedics), Implantodontics, etc.
• Several national and international conferences, DGOI speaker, member of the BAIRD (Britsh Academy for Implantology and Dentistry).