Devika Thapar
Co-Founder MarkBlend-Digital Marketing
Despite of all the experiences that I have had fortunately got the chance mention about, I believe I will always be a child at heart who is a little hesitant when people from the society enquire about her age which is 22. Presently, I am trying to master the art of juggling two things, first my business and secondly my job.
From the age of 11 I had started weaving the life of my dreams in a particular direction and now I am currently working to make it a reality. At the age of 18, I worked with an American Startup during the covid crisis assisting them in building their brand abroad. I am an observant and ambivert person who absolutely loves to have life talks and have a deep understanding of other’s perspective on life in general.My experience as the Vice President of Women Development Cell of my college has enabled me to envision empowerment in reality. Bringing a smile on the faces and contentment in the hearts of women is one of the ultimate kick in life. I am ‘The one who will make it happen is YOU’ kind of girl.
Having led a community of more than 200 students and after organising few social and commercial events, I have developed my leadership and interpersonal skills and I have realised there is actually no age to startup in life. As a person I always focus on growth and bringing the best of what I have in hand while making sure that I don’t compromise on my capabilities and my goals and I feel this should be the approach of women in life. The belief of knowing your destination and figuring out the steps in the journey of life daily will definitely make one reach places for which one always wandered.