Deepika Pandey
Patent Agent & IPR Consultant
Being an IP enthusiast she is a keen observer of technology, which helps her keep updating about new technological trends around theworld. Having a lot of interest in technological advancement happening all around and legal aspects of it ,brings her into the creativefield of Intellectual Property Rights which shows the genius side of a Nation to the world.
Her career as an IP professional started with TIFAC (Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council) an autonomous bodyof Dept of Science and Technology (DST), Govt of India, based in Delhi in 2010, where she worked as Women Scientist (IPR). After fewyears she had to take a break from her career as she had kids to taken care of. But during those years , her zeal of learning about IPRkeep on increasing. She utilized this period by doing an online certification course on “ IP Protection & Commercialization” organizedby FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce And Industry). Along with it she prepared for Patent Agent Exam and qualified itin the first attempt. Again, she started working with more energy and enthusiasm as a Registered Indian Patent Agent and independentIPR Consultant.