Debora Pedroni Katunaric
Ambassador, Enterpreneur Women Network (Rede Mulher Empreendedora)
Debora holds a BA in English Language and Literatures and a Master s Degree in Applied Linguistics from the Federal University in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro. After working for 5 years on cruise ships as a monitor for kids and teens and traveling the 5 continents and more than 60 countries, she settled down in Croatia, where she works as a teacher of Portuguese for foreigners and English. As a writer, she participates in several antologies and projects in Brazil and abroad, and since last year she is the Ambassador of the Enterpreneurship Women Network (Rede Mulher Empreendedora) in Croatia. Debora has a passion for writing content and producing written materials of several subjects such as entrepreneurship, tourism and education.