Catalina Ortiz Lalinde

Catalina Ortiz Lalinde

Colombian lawyer


Catalina Ortiz Lalinde is a Valle del Cauca congresswoman, a lawyer from the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and a scholarship in Public Administration from Harvard University. He created and managed INNpulsa Colombia, which is part of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (Colombia) , where he supported 60 thousand entrepreneurs in the country, and the Terpel Foundation, dedicated to education programs and citizen culture.
In 20 years of work experience she has also been diplomatic in the United States. She was a consultant and official in the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Colombia) , Confecámaras, Comfama and Bancóldex, among others. In addition, he has been a member of the boards of Transparencia por Colombia and the Association of Entrepreneurs of Colombia.