Barbara Novinec
Vice President, EFEE (European Federation of Education Employers)
Barbara Novinec is education management specialist, economist, with diploma in early childhood education pedagogy. She is currently president of European School Heads Association (ESHA) and vice president of European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE). She works as a principal in kindergarten in Ljubljana and is involved in many European projects as an expert or advisory board member. She is dedicated to professional development of teachers and school leaders as well as global connectivity in education with purpose to develop, share and exchange good education practices and to promote citizenship and common values. She coordinates The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders which is a wide network of relevant organisation (policymakers, practitioners, researchers and stakeholders) to promote cooperation, policy development and implementation at different governance levels, and to support the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders. She is also an ambassador of the project »Be good – be cool« in Slovenia that promote responsible role modelling of parents, teachers and wider society with the aim of empowering responsible young people, with healthy values, a healthy level of self-confidence, with the ability to make decisions and with respect for themselves and others.