Au’Ryanna Bellard – United States Of America (USA)

Au'Ryanna Bellard

Au’Ryanna Bellard

CEO- Simply Magnifique & Young Entrpreneurs in Position

United States Of America (USA)

Au’Ryanna Bellard, an 11 year old multipreneur, psalmist and soon to be Published Author is the Creative Mind and CEO of Simply Magnifique and Blinged out Bosses. She is also the Co-Founder of Young Entrepreneurs in Position, an organization that teaches young individuals how to save, invest and build businesses. Au’Ryanna encourages, inspires and motivates the youth to be confident and comfortable in who they are and to live the life that GOD has purposed for them. She loves speaking, singing, traveling and seeing others happy. Au’Ryanna is a straight A student and holds many titles worldwide to include the youngest U.S. Endometriosis Ambassador, 2016 Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year and many pageant & academic titles.