Anna Maria Allen

Anna Maria Allen

Advisor, Author, Alchemist


For over twenty years Anna Allen has been developing “Solutions of Harmony for the Highest Good” by applying her natural gifts, formal education, professional acumen and intense life experiences to create, channel and synchronize harmonious solutions for individual leaders, corporations and communities alike.
Intolerant of the conventional systems, Anna started college courses and her first business at eleven yearsold, and quickly found her place in society as a much needed clairvoyant guide, medical intuitiveand business muse.Recognized for her experience and natural gifts, she communicates and consults as a clear channel of fierce love and direct deliverance of truth in harmonious ways that honor and benefit everyone and every thing; namely humanity and the Earth itself. As a highly sought after guide, consultant, advisor and healer to influential leaders worldwide, Anna
specializes in the fields of biology, finance, and culture change by living her purpose of “creating Systems of Harmony” for concierge clients and their conscious businesses.
She is known by her clients around the World as a peace maker, negotiator and Spiritual advisor; often referred to as their “Fairy Godmother ” thanks to her fiercely loving embrace. Ushered by modern yogi-parents, Anna and her three brothers enjoyed growing up with the Kriya Yoga teachings as her way of life. Having sur-thrived from several traumas in childhood and adult life, Anna
learned how to use the infinite healing powers of Universal Energy at a very young age. She found a passion in discovering how to regenerate the body from a highest Soul-view, down to the micro-cellular/ physiological, emotional and psychological levels that activate personal & social change. Her definitive guidance and unconditional embrace has transformed some of the greatest conscious
leaders from crash to creation by applying her unique abilities, vast experience and extensive knowledge of the human operating system. This process results in evolving into an integrated conscious
being she calls, “HomoSanctus Infinitus,” Vessel of the Infinite Wholly. Personal and Professional services are offered through the Academy & Council ~ All offerings are
available for application to the Self, a Partnership, Business, Community & Humanity; and thereby, our precious Planet.