Alicja Son
TEDx and International Speaker, Author, Life Coach, Founder of, mother, lover, The Mineral Spa
Alicja Son is aTEDx and International Speaker, Life coach, Bestselling Author of the book “The Power of Minerals – Healing Spas of Europe.” Contributor to Medium and key note and guest speaker @ online platforms across the globe. Alicja’ s background for the past 20 years is in health and social care. She completed university studies and many other health related courses in the UK and over many years helped others to make positive changes in their lives.
Alicja values close connection with nature. Founder of – a growing brand for anyone who wants to take care of their body in a sustainable way, using the resources around us and in nature. She is passionate about the power of minerals, micro-nutrients, trace-elements and vitamins to support our body to heal, boost immunity and prevent infection. Alicja strives to “inspire, inform, help others to lead happy, healthy and more fulfilling lives and have fun.”
Alicja believes that sustainable health must be part of your life, as with good health, taking care of yourself, everything else falls into place. Alicja developed a unique 5-step blueprint to support You make use of geothermal (mineral) spas to improve your vitality and wellbeing. She discusses in her book the benefit of geothermal waters and how to use water to help us heal. Water is one of the modalities that she uses with clients who use Spas, so they learn to use it not just for relaxation, but also to support their body functions and heal. Alicja runs a programme How to Kickstart your immune system in 5 days. Contact Alicja to build your own unique Personal Spa Plan or improve immunity and she will help you to change your mindset and prioritise health and also can build with you your unique spa holiday plan, if you wish. There is an accountability element, as she works to assist you to change your habits, that don’t serve you any more for new ones that do.